
The signs of aging are the most prominent on our faces. As we get older our skin becomes looser and deep creases can form below our eyelids and corners of our mouths. Gravity, stress, heredity, and even the environment are all common factors that cause us to wear our age on our face. If you’ve noticed that you’ve lost that youthful glow you once had, a rejuvenation procedure like a facelift in Riyadh with Royal College-certified Dr. Fouda Neel can make you look younger and more radiant than ever before.
What is a facelift?
A facelift, also known as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that reverses age markers such as sagging skin and creases on the face. Besides overturning the more common signs of aging like wrinkles, a facelift aims to redefine your existing facial contours to give you a smooth and youthful appearance.
What are the benefits of a facelift?
This surgical procedure has numerous benefits. For example, a facelift can:
- Correct sagging that occurs in the middle of your face
- Improve skin tone in the lower quadrant of your face by removing jowls
- Eliminate the deep creases that have formed below your lower eyelids
- Eradicate the cavernous pleats that have formed along your nose which extend to the corners of your mouth
What happens during a facelift procedure?
Before your procedure begins, you will be given sedation or general anesthesia to put you at ease. Then, the doctor will make incisions inside your hairline at the temple. Loose skin is separated from the underlying areas where it meets tissue before it is pulled up and back, and then its excess is removed. Additionally, connective tissues and sagging muscles are tightened to give you a more taught look. Finally, sutures are put in place to close the incisions.
Dr. Fouda Neel often performs facelifts with brow lifts, neck lifts and eyelid surgery. Generally, if a facelift is combined with other procedures, it takes between 4-5 hours.
What is the recovery process like after a facelift?
Recovery from a facelift procedure varies from person to person. However, most patients report that they are able to resume their normal activities after about two weeks following their surgery. In terms of results, you will need to wait until you are fully healed to notice any changes in your face. This should take several weeks but once your body totally recovers from the procedure, you will notice how fresh and youthful you look.
Most patients are concerned about their incision site. Fortunately, your incisions will be unnoticeable because they will live behind your hairline and ears.
It is imperative that you wear sunscreen of at least SPF 15 on your face because your skin will be incredibly sensitive following a facelift.
What is the ideal age to get a facelift?
There is no perfect age to undergo this procedure. Everyone ages at their own pace, and it is up to you when you wish to rejuvenate your facial appearance. Upon your initial consultation with Dr. Fouda Neel, facelift candidacy and criteria will be discussed in detail.
How much does a facelift cost?
Visit our Facelift Costs page for cost information.
Read about facelift surgery in Arabic.
Riyadh Clinic
Dr. Omar Fouda Neel, FRCSC, FACS
King Abdullah Rd, King Salman Neighborhood
Riyadh 12444, Saudi Arabia
+(966) 57-858-7777
Saturday through Thursday: 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday: Closed