
Can I Get Pregnant After a Mommy Makeover Procedure?

Getting a mommy makeover will not affect your ability to carry your baby safely to term. Depending on how much weight is gained during the pregnancy, some of the positive effects of the makeover will be reversed, but it’s possible to correct those issues a second time. Make sure your body has healed Many doctors would recommend that you wait for 4-6 months after the procedure before trying to conceive another baby, and this is to make sure that everything has healed up. Once the place of incision has soundly closed, your body will be able to expand properly to accommodate the growth of the baby and any additional baby weight that you might accumulate during pregnancy. Additional elasticity A tummy tuck removes excess skin, but the remaining skin is still incredibly stretchy. In addition, the underlying muscle can shift and withstand the pressure of an expanded uterus pushing from…

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Mommy Makeovers: How to Balance Kids and Recovery

Recovering from cosmetic surgery can be challenging if, in addition to taking time to heal properly, you also have to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of children. The challenge becomes exponentially greater if your recovery post-surgery lasts weeks rather than days. As a patient, you owe it to yourself to know ahead of time how to do the juggling act of recovering from the surgery while ensuring that your children’s needs are adequately met. What is a Mommy Makeover? A mommy makeover is made up of a number of different surgical procedures that can help you to regain the figure you had before you had children. In terms of popular mommy makeover surgical procedures, the ones that most women are interested in include breast augmentation, breast lift, and tummy tuck. Recovery Time Since a mommy makeover will consist of numerous cosmetic surgeries, you won’t be able to get a…

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Do You Need to Lose Weight Before a Mommy Makeover?

It is ideal, to be at a healthy weight, one which you can continue to maintain, before undergoing any type of body transformative or contouring surgery, including a mommy makeover. The main issue surrounding weight loss after a procedure designed to remove excess skin is the potentiality that more weight loss after the procedure is going to result in more unwanted excess skin. This could mean additional procedure(s) would be necessary to achieve the look and results you were hoping for in the first place. Here are some considerations to pay attention to while contemplating your mommy makeover. Weight loss before a tummy tuck Setting and achieving a weight loss goal before a tummy tuck may help to improve the post-surgery contour in your abdomen (the result that you are hoping for). Ideally, you should be aiming for a stable weight and have already started on your way to a healthy…

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How Soon Is Too Soon To Undergo A Mommy Makeover?

We all followed Kate Middleton’s journey on the road to motherhood, and now that the baby is born we still adore her just as we did before. Her hair and her choice of maternity clothes all set fashion trends, and through the camera lens it looks as if she never even had a baby. We may believe that she and other female celebrities instantaneously return to their pre-pregnancy bodies after successful child-bearing/rearing, but the reality is that it takes time for any woman to return to such a state. Why Have a Mommy Makeover? Pregnancy causes women to have excess skin in the lower abdomen, and some women also complain of having breasts that “sag.” Despite exercise and dieting, these problems still persist even after they have returned to their pre-baby weight. A mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic surgical procedures such as abdominoplasty (surgery on the lower abdomen),…

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The Right Time For Mommy Makeover

Any mother can tell you that pregnancy and childbirth can have a significant impact on the body, affecting the breasts, tummies, legs, and more. Even the healthiest regimen of diet and exercise can’t undo the resulting changes to your physique and many mothers find that regaining their pre-pregnancy, toned and tight tummy is virtually impossible with exercise and careful eating alone. When a mother reaches the point where she has done all she can through natural methods, she can turn to the services of a cosmetic surgeon who can help her achieve that pre-pregnancy body she is after through a mommy makeover. A mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic procedures designed to correct the changes caused by pregnancy and breastfeeding. Typically this treatment plan combines a breast augmentation and/or lift; tummy tuck; and liposuction into one procedure. This has the benefit of allowing mother’s to recuperate from all procedures…

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Riyadh Clinic

Dr. Omar Fouda Neel, FRCSC, FACS
King Abdullah Rd, King Salman Neighborhood
Riyadh 12444, Saudi Arabia
+(966) 57-858-7777

Saturday through Thursday: 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday: Closed

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